Park Clue

Find out who the suspect is, what weapon was used, and the location of the crime in the Bismarck Parks and Recreation District’s edition of the classic game Clue.

  • June 21-July 3, 2024 (Park Clue ends at 8pm.)
  • Normandy Park, 3924 Normandy St.


  • Use the Clue Card below to keep track of the clues you locate throughout Normandy Park. Mark off each one as you find it. When only one remains in each category, you will have discovered who the suspect is, what weapon was used, and the location of the crime. Then make your accusation using the form below!


All correct online accusations will be entered into a prize drawing. We’ll randomly select three entries by noon on July 8. Each winner will receive two single use facility passes and a $20 gift certificate that can be used for any program or rental.